IT Network Healthcheck

Comprehensive Network Audit.

IT is crucial to the modern organisation, but a company’s technology will have evolved over many years, often reacting with the addition and removal of different hardware and infrastructure based on needs of the time and not necessarily planned for the future. Few organisations then, have a comprehensive overview of exactly what their IT estate is, what’s it delivering, areas for improvement, and what it’s costing, both in terms of spend and performance.


  • Tailored health check to address any IT headaches
  • Either full IT audit or specific areas, such as Cloud or Security
  • Recommendations on planned upgrade paths and priorities
  • IT road-mapping for short term to longer-term projects
  • Cost justifications and benefits
  • Potential for cost-savings and improved performance on existing infrastructure
  • Expert advise and consultancy from an industry leading specialist


  • Identify and plan for aging IT equipment
  • Address performance issues on PCs and servers
  • Overcome challenges with collaboration
  • Enable and scale for seamless working from home
  • Remove poor user experiences
  • Non unified communication
  • Help with security or IT policies
  • Advise on compliance and best practice
  • Ensure business continuity, resilience and disaster recovery
  • Identify gaps in cyber protection
  • Identify and prevent spiralling costs


With a dedicated IT Healthcheck from AdEPT, we can identify all of that and more, giving you the basis for an IT strategy to underpin the growth and success of your organisation for years to come.


We can also offer


  • Cyber Essentials assessments
  • Cloud readiness assessments
  • Consultancy services

How can we help?

AdEPT empower organisations by uniting their technology, networking and data, providing seamless communication and the confidence to innovate. All underpinned by the latest security. And all with minimal fuss. We are perfectly placed to deliver a service you can trust. You can read more about some of our recent work in this area, by reading our case studies.