
When it comes to choosing the right connectivity solution for your organisation, you need to consider what best fits your needs; not just today but for years to come.

The ideal solution will strike a balance between upload and download requirements and will guarantee a quality of service that meets the demands of your business. Big data, the mainstreaming of the public cloud, increased collaboration and the rise of the mobile worker have all motivated businesses to embrace bandwidth-intensive voice and data applications.


So, the right connectivity for your organisation is determined by a balance of performance, availability and affordability. Although there are several elements to consider when evaluating connectivity options, for most organisations it comes down to two key factors: bandwidth (throughput) and SLA.


Ideal for smaller businesses, or those with more modest connectivity requirements, ADSL2+ (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) delivers download speeds of up to 24Mb/s and upload speeds of up to 2.5Mb/s. ADSL is the most cost-effective way to get connected.


However, as a contended (shared) service, it may be subject to performance degradation at certain times of the day when demand for Internet services is high. ADSL can also be used as a cost-effective failover solution.

SIP Services

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Trunking uses VoIP to connect your telephony system to the Internet and is used predominantly for converged voice and data networks. SIP offers a number of advantages over ISDN in terms of scalability, resilience and quality. Moreover, the ability to make “on network” calls can reduce telephony costs significantly.

Don’t worry if you want to extend the useful life of your existing ISDN before migrating to SIP as, until 2025, ISDN will still have a role to play for many organisations. It is easy to maintain and still delivers a reliable, high-quality voice experience.

Leased Lines

Fibre Ethernet Leased Lines are the gold standard in business connectivity and are the preferred choice of enterprise-level businesses, or those with highbandwidth requirements. With symmetric download/upload speeds of up to 10Gb/s, the service is provided via a direct Ethernet link between the exchange and your business premises.


By doing away with public infrastructure, you are assured of scalable, resilient connectivity supported by a stringent SLA.

How can we help?

AdEPT empower organisations by uniting their technology, networking and data, providing seamless communication and the confidence to innovate. All underpinned by the latest security. And all with minimal fuss. We are perfectly placed to deliver a service you can trust. You can read more about some of our recent work in this area, by reading our case studies.