Be Resilient

Resilience is a core element of business operations. It is a wide-ranging principle that includes the traditional areas of business continuity and disaster recovery. However, both of these are highly dependent upon a resilient IT and communications infrastructure. Put simply, it is an organization’s ability to carry on business as usual in the event of an unexpected, potentially service-impacting incident.

Take the first step…

Diving headfirst into technology though, isn’t always the best plan. The first step, is to build and implement your disaster recovery plan taking advantage of the best disaster recovery and business continuity plans available to you. AdEPT can help you build this, taking into account all the practical impacts, such as whether your work-force is all home-based, or your staff and IT are located across multiple sites. Remember, resiliency neds to be there both for the short and long terms. Click below to make a start.

Why is resilience important?

It may seem like an obvious question, and an even more obvious answer, but business resilience is more nuanced than you might think. Viewed as a discrete event you might imagine resilience as the ability to quickly bounce back from server downtime or having a 5G cellular network in place as failover if someone cuts the internet cable when digging up the road! However, resilience can also refer to the ability to survive longer-term exposure to risk, such as macro-economic down-turns or rampant inflation.


When it comes to business operations, disruption is inevitable. The challenge for most organisations comes in anticipating the kinds of disruption that are likely and designing a strategy to help mitigate the risks – a case of hoping for the best but planning for the worst. An effective approach to business resilience doesn’t just “minimize downtime”, it also enables the safeguarding of critical assets – both physical and virtual. In practice, this can include everything from systems availability to employee morale, data integrity and customer advocacy.

What does resilience look like?

Business resilience is really all about risk management and mitigation. Developing a business resilience strategy often starts with scenario planning and a detailed impact analysis. It’s unlikely that any business can plan for all eventualities, so it’s essential to prioritise those critical applications, data, services and outcomes on which your organization depends. Priorities will vary from business to business, but some key areas are likely to remain constant:


  • Service availability
  • Systems performance
  • Customer experience
  • Employee welfare

The role of technology in business resilience

Not all elements of your resilience strategy will be about technology, but technology is the ultimate enabler when it comes to resilience. Factoring in redundancy, enabling ubiquitous connectivity, eliminating single points of failure and empowering remote working are all essential elements of resilience and can help deliver against the challenges of availability, performance and experience.

AdEPT cover the Business Resilience essentials

IT Network





Managed Solutions



IT Support


How can we help?

AdEPT empower organisations by uniting their technology, networking and data, providing seamless communication and the confidence to innovate. All underpinned by the latest security. And all with minimal fuss. We are perfectly placed to deliver a service you can trust. You can read more about some of our recent work in this area, by reading our case studies.